Weapons of Choice: Unfounded Allegations of Abuse To Gain Advantage

A problem is brewing just below the surface in family law.  This problem is immoral and stains the real stories of true victims.  It is zapping judicial resources to try to get at the heart of the truth.  These resources are being exhausted in an attempt to protect the real victims in search of the truth. However, to get to that point, these resources are sometimes used to dissect unnecessary lies.

One spouse may accuse the other spouse of domestic violence to have reason to get the other removed from the marital home. This spouse may be embellishing their story or completely lying to gain what they perceived to be an advantage for a future divorce The same may be said for parents. One parent may accuse the other of sexual or physical abuse of a child. This parent may be doing so to gain an advantage for a divorce and/or future custody case.

We, as a society, must come to a point where we question how far we will go in order to prevail? Are we willing to potentially ruin someone’s life in order to get what we want? These actions and lies are bigger than just “this divorce” or “this custody” case. We cannot get to the point where true victims are left without options, anyone to intervene, or resources because abuse will no longer be taken seriously.

Tiffany R. Lunn and Lunn Law LLC can help with issues of abuse in child custody and divorce cases. Give us a call at 770-492-2974.






Categories: Child Custody, Divorce, TPO

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